Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why Do We Believe In God?

Well guys let me ask you a simple question, “Do you believe in good?
90% of you all folks will be positive towards the answer but if you’ll look through my views you’ll probably say “NO” for the same question.
  In all the religions there is a common belief of The Great One, Well who’s it? Hindus have their Bhagvan, Christians have lord Jesus, Muslims have their sacred digits etc. Well what does these Great Ones do for us? Well if I’ll wish” oh god give me 99 trillion American dollars” will he give? NO! The same fucked up answer for 85% of the wishes. Only 15% of the wishes come true. Well I’ll take that for coincidences or whatever.
  If the Great One really exist, why he doesn’t show himself to us. Why he doesn’t fulfill all our wishes?
Why all the credit goes to this fucked up fake identity called the “GREAT ONE”.
  All the success is due to ones Zeal, Courage, Confidence & Practice of one’s work. It’s also due to ones parents position, economic and social conditions of one’s time.
  Then why does all this credit is given to the fucked up The Great One?
Well guys what do you think about the practice in Hindu religion that on ones rites the things that we give to the fat old hungry Brahmin will ease the path of soul? What a fucking joke!
How can a mere human just of different social caste from us can act as an intermediate postal service and get a TV transported to a soul? It’s all shit written in Vedas by those Brahmins so that they can get their livelihood by fooling others of the same society they belong and making fun of their beliefs and feelings.
  It’s said a dip in Ganges will purify the flesh of desire and will wash away all your sins and throwing ones ashes in it will give ones soul ultimate peace and a place in heaven. What bullshit! How can one think about it?
Getting one self bathe in the water of the river that is full of ashes, faeces, dead bodies etc. It’ll make even your blood black!
  Yes I agree on the medical importance of this water but we must understand that today’s Ganges is polluted!
  All the religions say that a person must devote at least 1/4th of his life to god. Well going to church or temple or mosque and prating, ringing bells takes a lot of time and energy which goes down to the deepest and stinkiest drain. It this time and energy would have been devoted to ones work what a great progress one can achieve.
  Well how come reciting all these fucked up chants, reading holy books will help us in our lives?
Try it-
  Don’t study or prepare any thing for your exams , tests or presentations . Just get yourself lost in the praise of lord. Well what do you get in your exams? An ostrich’s egg? Where was your god when you were passing though this failure, or dying in a road accident?
Well there’s noting called GOD in the whole UNIVERSE ! All these things were good in older times but not NOW! I’ll advise you to reduce your devotional time to as little as possible and spend 99% of the remaining time doing your duties.
It’s said=)
  The more you work, The more you earn.
  The more you earn , More Leisure you’ll get.
  More leisure = more satisfaction
Therefore “WORK IS WORKSHIP”  

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